I had been hoping to make NECC 2007 – but we were planning to do an east coast vacation (our girls are the right age to appreciate it) and there was a time conflict – and the cost was prohibitive. However, since my wife broke her knee we put our trip off a month, my principal let it be known that there was some conference money available, and voila I’m going to Atlanta! I’ll even be able to make the EduBloggerCon on Saturday.
I’ve been a member of my school district’s science cadre for the last 10 years and so I haven’t gone to a tech conference out of state (but lots of science conferences which are cool too), since I attended a CUE conference in Palm Springs 10 years ago. My tenure on the science cadre is over so maybe I’ll make more tech conferences in the coming years.
Looking forward to meeting you!
YEAH!! I hope to see you there.
CUE is great — but NECC, well it is FANTASTIC. Be prepared to be overwhelmed (in a good way!)
I hope our paths cross at NECC.
Jennifer Wagner