OK, so many people have tagged me to do this I guess I’d better.
1. I love the mountains which is why we live in Reno, Nevada. Lake Tahoe and many hiking trails are close by, but we don’t deal with the snow too much where we live because its a desert. Photo below was taken today. It takes 25 minutes to get to this spot from our house.
2. I like weather. I like to go out in a thunderstorm (away from lightening) when its raining so hard it almost hurts when it hits you. I like the cold, some of my favorite hikes have been winter hikes (or cross country ski trips) up mountains when it is snowin’ and blowin’. Took this photo of a lenticular cloud from our front door yesterday.
3. I wish I played a musical instrument.
4. I don’t tear up easily, but when I see students doing any kind of performance, that often gets me.
5. I like history, my degree is in political science because I didn’t have the time to do biology and still get an elementary teaching license.
6. I was going to be a professional photographer until a friend had me come to his outdoor ed camp to take publicity photos. Rock climbing, night hiking, botany, survival training, geology and more with 6 to 16 year olds changed my mind.
7. I believe in “at risk” elementary schools students should take at least one field trip a month to build schema and love of learning.
8. My dream trip would be to go to Antarctica, including being at the South Pole for at least a month working with scientists.
OK – I did it!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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